X-From_: abuse@gonk.valueweb.net Wed Aug 25 15:13:08 1999 Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 15:08:46 -0400 (EDT) From: ValueWeb Abuse [abuse@gonk.valueweb.net] To: jodi@jodi.org cc: dijo2@valueweb.net Subject: Important Account Information MIME-Version: 1.0 It has come to my attention that someone has been posting: http://oss.jodi.org To newsgroups, chatrooms..etc. As you are aware, this page contains a malicious javascript that crashes the browser. This is in violation of the ValueWeb AUP which includes: Use of ValueWeb's connection in a manner that is disruptive, damaging, unlawful, offensive, or intrusive as determined by ValueWeb shall be considered a breach of this Policy and may result in cancellation of service. Please remove this offending link/page and refrain from posting it in the future. Failure to remove the link/page, or more occurences of this type of issue will result in account termination.
In Reply to: Re: further to my previox ex-communication: Sorry .....my mistake...(* kisses your mmmmmmm*) & go to kanada! land of lls7 this lovely psyky nerdy who going to dddiiiiiiiiiiiieeee! so sad... posted by kills7 on 01:23:28 9/17/99:
xen is always beautiful, he liberates!!!! you, what do you expect me to be, just another pretty pretty face???? with no guts, no mud, no blood, no fear, no glory (tara taught me this that greatest witch goddess) why waste your precious time trying to kill your one and only friend, your type is pathetic, see the facsits, they are coming again, i'm like warning you cyberhead, i feel so sorry for you